Just tell me the truth


Just tell me the truth, a performance experiment by artists Louise Cherry and Jennie Guy.  Hosted by MAVis, IADT, Dunlaoghaire in studio 6, Temple Bar Galleries and Studios August 2008

Over 6 hours, 23 interviewees signed a social contract allowing them to be hooked up to a lie-detector, filmed, recorded and photographed by Louise and Jennie whilst being asked 74 interrogative questions.

The questions focused on truth telling and a number of the questions specifically related to what it means to be an artist working in the current circumstances of the studio/gallery/museum/funding mechanisms and how this relates to the way an artist might construct their identify.  A wall based exhibition comprising of photos and a lie detector print outs unfolded temporally as each interview took place.  Audience members could freely wander amidst the laboratory like environment but were discouraged by a hostess from talking to any of the cast and advised not to touch any equipment and to remain silent at all times.  The audience were an important part of the performance being both present and not present at the same time.

The cast:  Louise Cherry, Jennie Guy, Sven Anderson, Sarah Hurl, Martin Power, Ian Thuillier and Georgina Miller